Webster's English Dictionary

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1. con.sort \'ka:n-.so.(*)rt\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L consort-, consors, lit., 
   one who shares a common] lot, fr. -com- + sort-, sors lot, share 1: 
   ASSOCIATE  2: a ship accompanying another  3: SPOUSE 
2. consort n [MF consorte, fr. consort] 1: CONJUNCTION, ASSOCIATION  2a: a 
   group of musicians entertaining by voice or instrument  2b: a set of 
   musical instruments of the same family 
3. con.sort \k*n-'so.(*)rt, ka:n-', 'ka:n-\ vt 1: UNITE, ASSOCIATE  obs  2: 
   ESCORT  1: to keep company  obs  2: to make harmony : PLAY  3: ACCORD,