Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. flash                 
1. glance \'glan(t)s\ vb [ME glencen, glenchen] 1: to strike a surface 
   obliquely so as to go off at an angle {bullet  glanced off the wall} 2a: to 
   flash or gleam with quick intermittent rays of light {brooks g lancing in 
   the sun} 2b: to make sudden quick movements {dragonflies glancing over the  
   pond} 3a: to touch briefly or indirectly on a subject {~s at the c ustoms 
   of ancient cultures} 3b: to refer briefly to something by way of censure or 
   satire  of the eyes  4a: to move swiftly from one thing to another  4b: to 
   take a quick look at something  archaic  1a: to take a quick look at  1b: 
   to catch a glimpse of  2: to give an oblique path of direction to :  2a: to 
   throw or shoot so that the object glances from a surface  archaic  2b: to 
   aim (as an innuendo) indirectly : INSINUATE 
2. glance n 1a: a quick intermittent flash or gleam  archaic  1b: a sudden 
   quick movement  archaic  2a: a rapid oblique movement  2b: a deflected 
   impact or blow  3a: a swift movement of the eyes  3b: a quick or cursory 
   look  archaic  4a: GIBE  4b: ALLUSION 
3. glance n [G glanz luster, glanz; akin to OHG glanz bright - more at 
   GLI]NT : any of several mineral sulfides usu. dark colored with a metallic 