1. scrape \'skra-p\ vb [ME scrapen, fr. ON skrapa; akin to OE scrapian to
scrape, L]scrobis ditch, Gk keirein to cut - more at SHEAR 1a: to remove
(excrescent matter) from a surface by usu. repeated strokes of an edged
instrument 1b: to make (a surface) smooth or clean with strokes of an edged
instrumen t or an abrasive 2a: to grate harshly over or against 2b: to
damage or injure the surface of by contact with a rough surface 2c: to
draw roughly or noisily over a surface 3: to collect by or as if by
scraping : SCRAMBLE 1: to move in sliding contact with a rough surface 2:
to accumulate money by small economies 3: to draw back the foot along the
ground in making a bow 4: to make one's way with difficulty or succeed by
a narrow margin : to make a low bow - n
2. scrape n 1a: the act or process of scraping 1b: a sound made by
scraping 2: a bow made by drawing back the foot 3a: a disagreeable
predicament 3b: QUARREL, FIGHT