Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. hominy                 2. fortitude             
1. grit \'grit\ n [ME gryt, fr. OE grytt; akin to OE gre-ot] obs  1: CHAFF  
   pl but sing or pl in constr  2: coarsely ground hulled grain 
2. grit n [ME grete, fr. OE gre-ot; akin to OHG grioz sand, L fur]fur bran, 
   Gk chro-s skin obs  1a: SAND, GRAVEL  1b: a hard sharp granule (as of 
   sand); also : material (as many abr asives) composed of such granules 2: 
   any of several sandstones  3: the structure of a stone that adapts it to 
   grinding  4: firmness of mind or spirit : unyielding courage 
3. grit vb or grit.ted;  or grit.ting : to give forth a grating sound  1: 
   to cover or spread with grit; esp : to smooth (as marble) by me ans of a 
   coarse abrasive 2: to cause (as one's teeth) to grind or grate