Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crank \'krank\ n [ME cranke, fr. OE cranc- (as in crancstaef, a weaving 
   instru]ment; akin to OE cradol cradle 1: a bent part of an axle or shaft or 
   an arm keyed at right angles to the e nd of a shaft by which circular 
   motion is imparted to or received from it archaic  2a: BEND  2b: a twist 
   ofr turn of speech : CONCEIT  2c1: CAPRICE, CROTCHET  2c2: an eccentric 
   person; also : ENTHUSIAST  2d: a bad-tempered person : GROUCH 
2. crank vi 1: to move with a winding course : ZIGZAG  2: to turn a crank  
   1: to bend into the shape of a crank  2: to furnish or fasten with a crank  
   3: to move or operate by a crank; specif : to start by use of a cr ank
3. crank aj [Sc, bent, distorted, prob. fr. 1crank] : out of kilter : LOOSE 
4. crank aj [ME cranke, of unknown origin] chiefly dial  1: MERRY, 
   HIGH-SPIRITED  chiefly dial  2: COCKY, CONFIDENT 
5. crank aj [short for crank-sided (easily tipped)] of a boat  : easily 
   tipped by an external force