im.pas.sive \(')im-'pas-iv\ \.im-.pas-'iv-*t-e-\ aj archaic 1a:
unsusceptible to pain 1b: unsusceptible to physical feeling : INSENSIBLE
1c: unsusceptible to or destitute of emotion : APATHETIC 2: giving no sign
of feeling or emotion : EXPRESSIONLESS 3: not moving in any way :
MOTIONLESS STOLID mean unresponsive to something that might normally excite
interest or emotion. IMPASSIVE stresses the absence of any external sign of
emotion in action or facial expression; STOIC implies an apparent
indifference to pleasure or esp. to pain often as a matter of principle or
self-discipline; PHLEGMATIC implies a temperament or constitution hard to
arouse; APATHETIC may imply a puzzling or deplorable indifference or
inertness; STOLID implies an habitual absence of interest, responsiveness,
or curiosity concerning anything outside of an accustomed routine - av SYN syn IMPASSIVE, STOIC, PHLEGMATIC, APATHETIC,