Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ju.nior \'ju:-ny*r\ n [L, n. & adj.] 1a: a person who is younger than 
   another  1b: a clothing size for women and girls with slight figures  2a: a 
   person holding a lower position in a hierarchy of ranks  2b: a student in 
   his next-to-the-last year before graduating from an educat ional 
2. junior aj [L, compar. of juvenis young - more at YOUNG] 1a: YOUNGER - 
   used chiefly to distinguish a son with the same give n name as his father 
   1b1: YOUTHFUL  1b2: designed esp. for adolescents  1c1: of more recent date 
    1c2: of more recent date and therefore inferior or subordinate {a ~R lien} 
   2: lower in standing or rank {~ partners}  3: of or relating to juniors or 
   the class containing juniors