Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ori.ent \'o-r-e--*nt, 'o.r, -e--.ent\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L orient-, 
   oriens, fr. prp. of oriri to rise] - more at RISE archaic  1: EAST  cap  2: 
   EAST  3a: a pearl of great luster  3b: the luster or sheen of a pearl 
2. orient aj archaic  1: ORIENTAL  2a: LUSTROUS, SPARKLING {~ gems}  
   archaic  2b: GLOWING, RADIANT  archaic  3: RISING 
3. ori.ent \-.ent\ vt [F orienter, fr. MF, fr. orient] 1a: to cause to face 
   or point toward the east; specif : to build ( as a church) with the 
   longitudinal axis pointing eastward and the chief altar at the eastern end 
   1b: to set or arrange in any determinate position esp. in relation to the  
   points of the compass 1c: to ascertain the bearings of  2a: to set right by 
   adjusting to facts or principles  2b: to acquaint with the existing 
   situation or environment  3: to cause the axes of the molecules of to 
   assume the same direction