1. pop \'pa:p\ vb or popped; or pop.ping [ME poppen, of imit. origin] 1:
to strike or knock sharply : HIT 2: to push, put, or thrust suddenly 3:
to cause to explode or burst open 4: to fire at : SHOOT 1: to go, come,
or enter suddenly 2: to make or burst with a sharp sound : EXPLODE 3: to
protrude from the sockets 4: to shoot with a firearm 5: to hit a pop fly
: to propose marriage - pop the question
2. pop n [fr. the sound made by drawing a cork of its container] 1: a sharp
explosive sound 2: a shot from a gun 3: a flavored carbonated beverage
3. pop av : like or with a pop : SUDDENLY
4. pop or pop art n : art in which commonplace objects (as road signs,
hamburgers, comic strip s, or soup cans) are used as subject matter and are
often physically incorporporated in the work - pop artist n