Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. tear                  
1. rip \'rip\ vb or ripped;  or rip.ping [prob. fr. Flem rippen to strip 
   off roughly] 1a: to tear or split apart or open  1b: to saw or split (wood) 
   with the grain  2: to slash or slit with or as if with a sharp blade  1: to 
   become ripped : REND  2: to rush headlong  - rip.per n
2. rip n : a rent made by ripping : TEAR 
3. rip n [perh. fr. 2rip] 1: a body of water made rough by the meeting of 
   opposing tides or currents  2: a current of water roughened by passing over 
   an irregular bottom 
4. rip n [perh. by shortening & alter. fr. reprobate] 1: a worn-out 
   worthless horse  2: a dissolute person : LIBERTINE