Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. order                 
1. mar.shal \'ma:r-sh*l\ \-se-\ \-.ship\ n [ME, fr. OF mareschal, of Gmc 
   origin; akin to OHG marahscalc marsha]l, fr. marah horse + scalc servant 
   1a: a high official in the household of a medieval king, prince, or noble o 
   rig. having charge of the cavalry but later usu. in command of the military 
   forces 1b: a person who arranges and directs the ceremonial aspects of any 
   gatheri ng 2a: FIELD MARSHAL  2b: a general officer of the highest military 
   rank  2c: an officer (as of the British Royal Air Force) equivalent in rank 
   to an  army field marshal 3a: an officer having charge of prisoners  3b1: a 
   ministerial officer appointed for a judicial district (as of the U.S .) to 
   execute the process of the courts and perform various duties similar to 
   those of a sheriff 3b2: a city law officer entrusted with particular duties 
    3c: the administrative head of a city police department or fire department 
    - mar.shal.cy n
2. marshal \'ma:rsh-(*-)lin\ vb or mar.shaled or mar.shalled;  or 
   mar.shal.ing;  or mar.shal.ling 1: to place in proper rank or position 
   {~ing the troops}  2a: to arrange in order {~ing his arguments}  2b: to 
   assemble and dispatch (the elements of a railway train)  3: to lead with 
   ceremony : USHER  : to take form or order