Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. part                  
1. seg.ment \'seg-m*nt\ \'seg-m*n-.ter-e-\ n [L segmentum, fr. secare to 
   cut - more at SAW] often attrib  1a: a piece or separate fragment of 
   something : PORTION  1b1: a portion cut off from a geometrical figure by a 
   line or plane; esp  : the part of a circular area bounded by a chord and an 
   arc of that circle or so much of the area as is cut off by the chord 1b2: 
   the part of a sphere cut off by a plane or included between two parall el 
   planes 1b3: the finite part of a line between two points in the line  2: 
   one of the constituent parts into which a body, entity, or quantity natu 
   rally divides : DIVISION - seg.men.tary aj
2. seg.ment \'seg-.ment\ vt : to separate into segments : give off as 
   segments to be made up of or  give off linear segments