Webster's English Dictionary

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1. se.nior \'se--ny*r\ n [ME, fr. L, fr. senior, adj.] 1: a person older 
   than another  2a: a person with higher standing or rank  2b: a senior 
   fellow of a college at an English university  2c: a student in the year 
   preceding graduation from a school of secondary o r higher level
2. senior aj [ME, fr. L, older, elder, compar. of sen-, senex old; akin to 
   Goth]sineigs old, Gk henos 1a: of prior birth, establishment, or enrollment 
   - often used to disting uish a father with the same given name as his son 
   1b: having reached the age of retirement {~ citizens}  2: SUPERIOR {the ~ 
   officers}  3: of or relating to seniors {the ~ class}  4: having a claim on 
   corporate assets and income prior to other securities