Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sec.on.dary \'sek-*n-.der-e-\ aj 1a: of second rank, importance, or 
   value  1b: of, relating to, or constituting the second strongest of the 
   three or  four degreees of stress recognised by most linguists {the fourth 
   syllable of basketball team carries ~ stress} of a tense  1c: expressive of 
   past time  2a: immediately derived from something original, primary, or 
   basic  2b: of or relating to the induced current or its circuit in an 
   induction c oil or transformer {a ~ coil} {~ voltage} 2c: characterized by 
   or resulting from the substitution of two atoms or gr oups in a molecule {a 
   ~ salt}; esp : being or characterized by a carbon atom united by two 
   valences to chain or ring members 3a: of or relating to the second order or 
   stage in a series  3b: of, relating to, or being the second segment of the 
   wing of a bird or  the quills of this segment 3c: intermediate between 
   elementary and collegiate {~ school} 
2. secondary n 1: one occupying a subordinate or auxiliary position rather 
   than that of a  principal 2: a defensive football backfield  3: a secondary 
   electrical circuit or coil  4: any of the quill feathers of the forearm of 
   a bird