1. snub \'sn*b\ vt or snubbed; or [ME snubben, of Scand origin;
akin to ON snubba to scold; akin to I]cel sneypa to scold 1: to check or
stop with a cutting retort : REBUKE 2a: to check (as a line) suddenly
while running out esp. by turning around a fixed object (as a post); also
: to check the motion of by snubbing a line 2b: SUPPRESS, RESTRAIN {~ a
vibration} 3: to treat with contempt or neglect; also : to affect in a
specif ied way by such treatment 4: to extinguish by stubbing {~ out a
2. snub n : an act or an instance of snubbing; esp : REBUFF, SLIGHT
3. snub \'sn*bd\ aj or snubbed 1: used in snubbing {~ line} 2: BLUNT,
STUBBY - snub.ness n