1. stag.ger \'stag-*r\ \-(*-)rin\ \-*r-*r\ vb or [alter. of
earlier stacker, fr. ME stakeren, fr. ON stakra, f]req. of staka to push;
akin to OE staca stake 1a: to reel from side to side : TOTTER 1b: to move
on unsteadily 2: to rock violently : SHAKE {the ship ~ed} 3: to waver in
purpose or action : HESITATE 1: to cause to doubt or hesitate : PERPLEX
2: to cause to reel or totter 3: to arrange in any of various zigzags,
alternations, or overlappings of position or time {~ work shifts ~ teeth
on a cutter} 4: to adjust (as the wings of a biplane) so that the leading
edge of one w ing projects beyond the leading edge of another wing - n
2. stagger n pl but sing or pl in constr 1: an abnormal condition of
domestic mammals and birds associated with dama ge to the central nervous
system and marked by incoordination and a reeling unsteady gait 2: a
reeling or unsteady gait or stance 3: the amount by which the leading edge
of an upper wing of a biplane is ad vanced over that of a lower expressed
as percentage of gap
3. stagger aj : marked by an alternating or overlapping arrangement