Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sur.charge \'s*r-.cha:rj\ vt [ME surchargen, fr. MF surchargier, fr. 
   sur- + chargier] to charge 1a: OVERCHARGE  1b: to charge an extra fee  1c: 
   to show an omission in (as account) for which credit ought to have bee n 
   given Brit  2: OVERSTOCK  3: OVERBURDEN, OVERLOAD  4a: to mark a new 
   denomination figure or a surcharge on (a stamp)  4b: OVERPRINT {~ a stamp ~ 
   a banknote} 
2. surcharge n 1a: an additional tax, cost, or impost  1b: an extra fare {a 
   sleeping car ~}  1c: an instance of surcharging an account  2: an excessive 
   load or burden  3: the action of surcharging : the state of being 
   surcharged  4a1: an overprint on a stamp; specif : one that alters the 
   denomina tion 4a2: a stamp bearing such an overprint  4b: an overprint on a 
   currency note