Webster's English Dictionary

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1. swim \'swim\ \'swam also 'swa:m\ \'sw*m\ vb or swam;  or swum or 
   swimming [ME swimmen, fr. OE swimman; akin to OHG swimman to swim] 1: to 
   propel oneself in water by natural means (as movements of the limbs,  fins, 
   or tail) 2: to move with a motion like that of swimming : GLIDE  3a: to 
   float on a liquid : not sink  3b: to surmount difficulties : not go under  
   4: to become immersed or flooded with or as if with a liquid {the meat (R@s 
   in gravy} 5: to have a floating or reeling appearance or sensation  1a: to 
   cross by propelling oneself through water {~ a stream}  1b: to execute in 
   swimming  2: to cause to swim or float  - swim.mer n
2. swim n 1: a smooth gliding motion  2: an act or period of swimming  3: a 
   temporary dizziness or unconsciousness  4a: an area frequented by fish  4b: 
   the main current of activity {be in the ~}