Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reflector              2. refractor             
1. tele.scope \'tel-*-.sko-p\ n [NL telescopium, fr. Gk te-leskopos 
   farseeing, fr. te-le-)X tele- + skipein to look - more at SPY 1: a usu. 
   tubular optical instrument for viewing distant objects by means o f the 
   refraction of light rays through a lens or the reflection of light rays by 
   a concave mirror 2: any of various tubular magnifying optical instruments  
2. telescope vi 1: to slide or pass one within another like the cylindrical 
   sections of a  hand telescope 2: to force a way into or enter another 
   lengthwise as the result of collis ion 3: to become telescoped  1: to cause 
   to telescope  2: COMPRESS, CONDENSE