Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ter.race \'ter-*s\ n [MF, pile of earth, platform, terrace, fr. OProv 
   terrassa, fr. terraX earth, fr. L, earth, land; akin to L torre-re to parch 
   - more at THIRST 1a: a colonnaded porch or promenade  1b: a flat roof or 
   open platform : BALCONY, DECK  1c: a relatively level paved or planted area 
   adjoining a building  2: a raised embankment with the top leveled  3: a 
   level ordinarily narrow plain usu. with steep front bordering a river,  
   lake, or sea 4a: a row of houses or apartments on raised ground or a 
   sloping site  4b: a group of row houses  4c: a strip of park in the middle 
   of a street usu. planted with trees or sh rubs 4d: a street usu. taking its 
   name from the presence of a terrace 
2. terrace vt : to make into a terrace or supply with terraces