Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ve.neer \v*-ni(*)r\ n [G furnier, fr. furnieren to veneer, fr. F fournir 
   to furnish] - more at FURNISH 1: a thin sheet of a material : as  1a: a 
   layer of wood of superior value or excellent grain to be glued to an  
   inferior wood 1b: any of the thin layers bonded together to form plywood  
   2: a protective or ornamental facing (as of brick or stone)  3: a 
   superficial or meretricious show : GLOSS 
2. veneer vt 1: to overlay or plate (as a common wood) with a thin layer of 
   finer wood  for outer finish or decoration; broadly : to face with a 
   material giving a superior surface 2: to cover over with a veneer; esp : to 
   conceal (as a defect of c haracter) under a superficial and specious 
   attractiveness - ve.neer.er n