1. ban.dy \'ban-de-\ vb [prob. fr. MF bander to be tight, to bandy, fr.
bande strip - mor]e at BAND 1: to bat (as a tennis ball) to and fro 2a: to
toss from side to side or pass about from one to another 2b: EXCHANGE; esp
: to exchange (words) argumentatively 2c: to discuss lightly or
banteringly 2d: to use in a glib or offhand manner archaic 3: to band
together obs 1: CONTEND archaic 2: UNITE
2. bandy n [perh. fr. MF bande`, pp. of bander] : a game similar to hockey
and believed to be its prototype
3. bandy \.ban-de--'leg(-*)d, -'la-g(-*)d\ aj [prob. fr. bandy (hockey
stick)] of legs 1: BOWED 2: BOWLEGGED - ban.dy-legged aj