Webster's English Dictionary

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1. coach \'ko-ch\ n [ME coche, fr. MF, fr. G kutsche] [fr. the concept that 
   the tutor conveys the student through his examinations] often attrib  1a: a 
   large usu. closed four-wheeled carriage having doors in the sides and  an 
   elevated seat in front for the driver 1b: a railroad passenger car intended 
   primarily for day travel  1c: BUS  1d: a house trailer  1e: an automobile 
   body esp. of a closed model  1f: a class of passenger air transportation at 
   a lower fare than first clas s 2a: a private tutor  2b: one who instructs 
   or trains a performer or a team of performers; spe cif : one who instructs 
   players in the fundamentals of a competitive sport and directs team 
2. coach vt 1: to train intensively by instruction, demonstration, and 
   practice  2: to act as coach to  3: to direct the movements of (a player)  
   1: to go in a coach  2: to instruct, direct, or prompt as a coach  - 
   coach.er n