Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fast                  
1. swift \'swift\ \'swif(t)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. OE; akin to OE swi-fan to 
   revolve - more at SWIVEL] 1: moving or capable of moving with great speed  
   2: occurring suddenly or within a very short time  3: quick to respond : 
   READY  - swift.ly av
2. swift av : SWIFTLY {swift-flowing} 
3. swift n 1: any of several lizards (esp. of the genus Sceloporus) that 
   run swi ftly 2a: a reel for winding yarn or thread  2b: one of the large 
   cylinders that carry forward the material in a carding  machine; also : a 
   similar cylinder in other machines 3: any of numerous small plainly colored 
   birds (family Apodidae) that are r elated to the hummingbirds and 
   goatsuckers but superficially much resemble swallows