1. haze \'ha-z\ vb [prob. back-formation fr. hazy] : to become hazy or
cloudy : to make hazy, dull, or cloudy
2. haze n [prob. back-formation fr. hazy] 1: fine dust, smoke, or light
vapor causing lack of transparency 2: vagueness of mind or mental
perception ust just sufficient to blur the vision but not obstruct it; MIST
implies a fine suspension of water droplets reducing but not cutting off
vision; FOG implies a denser condition than MIST with power to cut off
vision entirely. Figuratively HAZE suggests vagueness, MIST dimness or
uncertainty, FOG a blinding of mental or spiritual vision SYN syn MIST,
FOG: HAZE suggests a diffusion of smoke or d
3. haze vt [origin unknown] 1: to harass by exacting unnecessary,
disagreeable, or difficult work 2a: to harass by banter, ridicule, or
criticism 2b: to play abusive and humiliating tricks on by way of
initiation West 3: to drive (as cattle or horses) from horseback -
haz.er n