Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. haze                  
1. fog \'fo.g, 'fa:g\ n [ME, rank grass] dial  1a: dead or decaying grass 
   in the winter  1b: a second growth of grass  dial  2: MOSS 
2. fog n [prob. of Scand origin; akin to Dan fog spray, shower; akin to L 
   pustu]la blister, pimple, Gk physan to blow 1a: vapor condensed to fine 
   particles of water suspended in the lower atmos phere that differs from 
   cloud only in being near the ground 1b: a fine spray or a foam for fire 
   fighting  2: a murky condition of the atmosphere or a substance causing it  
   3: a state of mental confusion  4: a density in a developed photographic 
   image causec by chemical action or  stray radiation
3. fog vb or fogged;  or fog.ging 1: to cover or envelop with or as if with 
   fog  2: to make obscure or confusing  3: to make confused  4: to produce 
   fog on (as a photographic film) during development  1: to become covered or 
   thick with fog  2a: to become blurred by a covering of fog or mist  2b: to 
   become indistinct through exposure to light or radiation