Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. maintain              
jus.ti.fy \'j*s-t*-.fi-\ vb [ME justifien, fr. MF or LL; MF justifier, fr. 
   LL justificare], fr. L justus 1a: to prove or show to be just, right, or 
   reasonable : VINDICATE  1b1: to show to have had a sufficient legal reason  
   1b2: to qualify (oneself) as a surety by taking oath to the ownership of s 
   ufficient property archaic  2a: to administer justice to  archaic  2b: 
   ABSOLVE  2c1: to make righteous  2c2: to release from the guilt of sin and 
   accept as righteous  3: to adjust or arrange exactly; specif : to set 
   (type) so as to f ill a full line 1a: to show a sufficient lawful reason 
   for an act done  1b: to qualify as bail or surety  2: to fit exactly; 
   specif : to fill a full line