Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bail \'ba-(*)l\ n [ME, custody, security for appearance, fr. MF, 
   custody, fr. baillier to h]ave in charge, deliver fr. ML bajulare to 
   control, fr. L, to carry a load, fr. bajulus porter 1: security given for 
   the due appearance of a prisoner in order to obtain h is release from 
   imprisonment 2: the temporary release of a prisoner upon security  3: one 
   who provides bail 
2. bail vt [In sense 1, fr. AF baillier, fr. F, to deliver; in other 
   senses, fr. ]1bail 1: to deliver (property) in trust to another for a 
   special purpose and for  a limited period 2: to release under bail  3: to 
   procure the release of by giving bail  4: to help from a predicament usu. 
   by financial aid 
3. bail n [ME baille bailey, fr. OF] chiefly Brit  : a device for confining 
   or separating animals 
4. bail n [ME baille, fr. MF, bucket, fr. ML bajula water vessel, fr. fem. 
   of] L bajulus : a container used to remove water from a boat 
5. bail \'ba--l*r\ vt 1: to clear (water) from a boat by dipping and 
   throwing over the side -  usu. used with out : to parachute from an 
   airplane - usu. used with out  - bail.er n
6. bail n [ME beil, baile, prob. of Scand origin; akin to Sw bygel bow,] 
   hoop; akin to OE bu-gan to bend - more at BOW 1a: a supporting half hoop  
   1b: a hinged bar for holding paper against the platen of a typewriter  2: 
   the arched handle of a kettle or pail