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Cross references:
  1. abandon               
1. des.ert \'dez-*rt\ \di-'z*rt-ik\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. LL desertum, fr. L, 
   neut. of desertus, pp. of d]eserere to desert, fr. de- + serere to join 
   together - more at SERIES archaic  1: a wild uninhabited and uncultivated 
   tract : WILDERNESS  2: an arid barren tract incapable of supporting any 
   considerable population  without an artificial water supply 3: a desolating 
   or forbidding prospect  - de.ser.tic aj
2. des.ert \'dez-*rt\ aj archaic  1: FORSAKEN  2: desolate and sparsely 
   occupied or unoccupied  3: of or relating to a desert 
3. de.sert \di-'z*rt\ n [ME deserte, fr. OF, fr. fem. of desert, pp. of 
   deservir to d]eserve 1: the quality or fact of being deserving of reward or 
   punishment  2: deserved reward or punishment  3: EXCELLENCE, WORTH 
4. de.sert \di-'z*rt\ vb [F de`serter, fr. LL desertare, fr. L desertus] 1: 
   to withdraw from : LEAVE  2a: to leave in the lurch : ABANDON  2b: to 
   abandon (military service) without leave  3: to fail (one) in time of need  
   : to quit one's post, allegiance, or service without leave; specif  : to 
   absent oneself without leave from a military post, station, or duty with 
   intent to remain away permanently - deserter n