Webster's English Dictionary

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mod.u.late \'ma:j-*-.la-t\ \-.la-t-*r\ \'ma:j-*-l*-.to-r-e-, -.to.r-\ vb [L 
   modulatus, pp. of modulari to play, sing, fr. modulus smal]l measure, 
   rhythm, dim. of modus measure - more at METE 1: to tune to a key or pitch  
   2: to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion : TEMPER  3: to 
   vary the amplitude, frequency, or phase of (a carrier wave or signal ) in 
   telephony, telegraphy, radio, or television 1: to play or sing with 
   modulation  2: to pass by regular chord or melodic progression from one 
   musical key or  tonality into another - mod.u.la.tor n