Webster's English Dictionary

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uni.ty \'yu:-n*t-e-\ n [ME unite, fr. OF unite`, fr. L unitat-, unitas, fr. 
   (Xunus one 1a: the quality or state of not being multiple : ONENESS  1b1: a 
   definite amount taken as one or for which 1 is made to stand in calc 
   ulation in a table of natural sines {the radius of the circle is regarded 
   as ~} 1b2: a number multiplication by which leaves any element of a system 
   unchan ged 2a: a condition of harmony : ACCORD  2b: continuity without 
   deviation or change (as in purpose or action)  3a: the quality or state of 
   being made one : UNIFICATION  3b: a combination or ordering of parts in a 
   literary or artistic production  that constitutes a whole or promotes an 
   undivided total effect; also : the singleness of effect or symmetry and 
   consistency of style and character secured 4: a totality of related parts : 
   an entity that is a complex of systemati c whole 5: any of three principles 
   of dramatic structure derived by French classici sts from Aristotle's 
   Poetics and requiring a play to have a single action represented as 
   occurring in one place and within one day cap  6: a 20th century American 
   religious movement for health and prosperity for merly affiliated with New 
   Thought but closer to orthodox Christianityoneness esp. of what is varied 
   and diverse in its elements or parts; SOLIDARITY implies a unity in a group 
   or class that enables it to manifest its strength and exert its influence 
   as one; INTEGRITY implies unity that indicates interdependence of the parts 
   and completeness and perfection of the whole; UNION implies a thorough 
   integration and harmonious cooperation of the parts SYN syn SOLIDARITY,