Webster's English Dictionary

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1. toe \'to-\ n [ME to, fr. OE ta-; akin to OHG ze-ha toe, L digitus] 
   finger 1a1: one of the terminal digits of a vertebrate's foot  1a2: the 
   fore end of a foot or hoof  1b: a terminal segment of a limb of an 
   invertebrate  1c: the fore part of something worn on the foot  2: a part 
   that by its position or form is felt to resemble a toe : as  2a: a journal 
   or pivot supported in a bearing  2b: a lateral projection at one end or 
   between the ends of a piece (as a ro d or bolt) by which it is moved
2. toe vb or toed;  or toe.ing 1: to furnish with a toe  2: to touch, 
   reach, or drive with the toes  3: to drive (as a nail) slantingly; also : 
   to clinch or fasten by  or with nails or rods so driven 1: TIPTOE  2: to 
   stand, walk, or be placed so that the toes assume an indicated posit ion or 
   direction : to conform rigorously to a rule or standard  - toe the line