Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.pose \ri-'po-z\ vt [ME reposen to replace, fr. L reponere (perf. 
   indic. reposui)] archaic  1: to put away or set down : DEPOSIT  2: to place 
   unquestioningly (as trust) : SET  3: to place for control, management, or 
2. repose vb [ME reposen, fr. MF reposer, fr. OF, fr. LL repausare, fr. 
   L]re- + LL pausare to stop - more at PAUSE : to lay at rest  1a: to lie at 
   rest  1b: to lie dead {reposing in state}  1c: to remain still or concealed 
    2: to take rest  archaic  3: RELY  4: to rest for support : LIE 
3. repose n 1: a state of resting after exertion or strain; esp : rest in 
   sleep  2a: a place of rest  2b: CALM, PEACE  2c: a harmony in the 
   disposition of parts and colors restful to the eye  3: cessation or absence 
   of activity, movement, or animation  4: composure of manner : POISE