Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slick \'slik\ vb [ME sliken; akin to OHG sli-hhan to glide, Gk leios 
   smooth] : to make sleek or smooth  : SPRUCE - usu. used with up 
2. slick aj 1a: having a smooth surface : SLIPPERY  1b: having surface 
   plausibility : GLIB  1c: based on stereotype : TRITE  2: archaic : SLEEK  
   3a: characterized by subtlety or nimble with : CLEVER; esp :: WILY 3b: 
   DEFT, SKILLFUL  4: extremely good : FIRST-RATE  - slick.ly av
3. slick av : in a slick manner 
4. slick n 1a: something that is smooth or slippery; esp : a smooth patch 
   of w ater covered with a film of oil 1b: a film of oil  2: an implement for 
   producing a slick surface : as  2a: a flat paddle usu. of steel for 
   smoothing a sample of flour  2b: a foundry tool for smoothing the surface 
   of a sand mold or unbaked core  3: a popular magazine printed on coated 