Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slur \'sl*r\ vb or slurred;  or slur.ring [prob. fr. LG slurrn to 
   shuffle; akin to ME sloor mud] 1a: to slide or slip over without due 
   mention, consideration, or emphasis  1b: to perform hurriedly : SKIMP  2: 
   to perform (successive tones of different pitch) in a smooth or connect ed 
   manner 3a: to reduce, make a substitution for, or omit (sounds that would 
   normall y occur in an utterance) 3b: to utter with such reduction, 
   substitution, or omission of sounds  dial chiefly Eng  1: SLIP, SLIDE {~ on 
   ice}  2: DRAG, SHUFFLE 
2. slur n 1a: a curved line <slur-up> or <slur-down> connecting notes to be 
   s ung to the same syllable or performed without a break 1b: the combination 
   of two or more slurred tones  2: a slurring manner of speech 
3. slur vb or slurred;  or slur.ring [obs. E dial. slur thin mud, fr. ME 
   sloor; akin to MHG slier]mud, Lith slugti to diminish 1: to cast aspersions 
   upon : DISPARAGE  2: to make indistinct : OBSCURE  : to slip so as to cause 
   a slur 
4. slur n 1a: ASPERSION, CALUMNY  1b: REPROACH, STIGMA  2: a blurred spot 
   in printed matter : SMUDGE