1. \'sm*th-*r\ \-(*-)re-\ n [ME, alter. of smorther, fr. smoren to
smother, fr. OE smorianX to suffocate; akin to MD smoren to suffocate 1a:
thick stifling smoke or smudge 1b: a state of being stifled or suppressed
2: a dense cloud of fog, foam, spray, snow, or dust 3: a confused
multitude of things : WELTER - smoth.ery aj
2. smother \-(*-)rin\ vb or 1: to overcome or kill with smoke
or fumes 2a: to destroy the life of by depriving of air 2b: to overcome
or discomfit through or as if through lack of air 2c: to suppress (a fire)
by excluding oxygen 3a: to cause to smolder 3b: to suppress expression or
knowledge of 3c: to stop or prevent the growth or activity of 3d: to
cover thickly : BLANKET 3e: OVERCOME, VANQUISH 4: to cook in a covered
pan or pot with little liquid over low heat : to become smothered