Webster's English Dictionary

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pro.jec.tion \pr*-'jek-sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ n 1a: a systematic 
   presentation of intersecting coordinate lines on a flat su rface upon which 
   features from the curved surface of the earth or the celestial sphere may 
   be mapped 1b: the process or technique of reproducing a spatial object upon 
   a plane o r curved surface by projecting its points; also : the graphic 
   reproduction so formed 2: a transforming change  3: the act of throwing or 
   shooting forward : EJECTION  4: the forming of a plan : SCHEMING  5a1: a 
   jutting out  5a2: a part that juts out  5b: a view of a building or 
   architectural element  6a: the act of perceiving a mental object as 
   spatially and sensibly objecti ve; also : something so perceived 6b: the 
   act of externalizing or objectifying what is primarily subjective  7: the 
   display of motion pictures by projecting an image from them upon a s creen 
   8: an estimate of future possibilities based on a current trend mean an 
   extension beyond the normal line or surface. PROJECTION implies a jutting 
   out esp. at a sharp angle; PROTRUSION suggests a thrusting out so as to 
   seem a deformity; PROTUBERANCE implies a growing or swelling out in rounded 
   form; BULGE suggests an expansion caused by internal pressure -