Webster's English Dictionary

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ver.sa.tile \'v*r-s*t-*l\ \-*l-(l)e-\ \-*l-n*s\ aj [F or L; F, fr. L 
   versatilis turning easily, fr. versatus, pp. of (Xversare to turn, fr. 
   versus, pp. of vertere 1: changing or fluctuating readily : VARIABLE  2: 
   embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills; also : turn ing with 
   ease from one thing to another 3a1: capable of turning forward or backward 
   : REVERSIBLE {a ~  toe of a bird} 3a2: capable of moving laterally and up 
   and down {~ antennae}  of an anther  3b: having the filaments attached at 
   or near the middle so as to swing fre ely 4: having many uses or 
   applications ral skills or abilities. VERSATILE stresses aptitude and 
   facility in several activities that require skill; MANY-SIDED implies 
   breadth of interests as well as variety of talents; ALL-AROUND stresses 
   completeness and symmetry of development as a person or within an activity 
   that has many phases - ver.sa.tile.ly av SYN syn VERSATILE, MANY-SIDED, 
   ALL-AROUND mean having seve