Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bud.get \'b*j-*t\ \'b*j-*-.ter-e-\ n [ME bowgette, fr. MF bougette, dim. 
   of bouge leather bag, fr.] L bulga, of Gaulish origin; akin to MIr bolg 
   bag; akin to OE blg bag - more at BELLY chiefly dial  1: a usu. 
   leather pouch, wallet, or pack; also : its contents  2: STOCK, SUPPLY  3a: 
   a statement of the financial position of a sovereign body for a definit e 
   period of time based on estimates of expenditures during the period and 
   proposals for financing them 3b: a plan for the coordination of resources 
   and expenditures  3c: the amount of money that is available for, required 
   for, or assigned to  a particular purpose - bud.get.ary aj
2. budget vt 1a: to put or allow for in a budget  1b: to put on a budget  
   2a: to plan expenditures for in a budget  2b: to plan or provide for the 
   use of in detail  : to draw up a budget