Webster's English Dictionary

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1. camp \'kamp\ n [MF, prob. fr. ONF or OProv, fr. L campus plain, field; 
   akin to OHG ha] often attrib mf crippled, Gk kampe- bend 1a: ground on 
   which tents or buildings are erected for usu. temporary shelt er (as for 
   troops) 1b: the group of tents or buildings erected on such ground  1c: a 
   tent, cabin, or other shelter  1d: an open-air location where one or more 
   persons camp  1e: a town newly sprung up in a lumbering or mining region  
   2a: a body of persons encamped  2b1: a group or body of persons; esp : a 
   group engaged in promoting  or defending a theory or doctrine 2b2: an 
   ideological position  3: military service or life 
2. camp vi 1: to pitch or occupy a camp  2: to live in a camp or outdoors  
   : to put into a camp; also : ACCOMMODATE  - camp.er n