Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rake \'ra-k\ n [ME, fr. OE racu; akin to OHG rehho rake] 1a: an 
   implement equipped with projecting prongs to gather material (as gra ss) or 
   for loosening or smoothing the surface of the ground 1b: a machine for 
   gathering hay  2: an implement resembling a rake 
2. rake vt 1: to gather, loosen, or smooth with or as if with a rake  2: to 
   gain rapidly or in abundance {~ in a fortune}  3a: to touch in passing over 
   lightly  3b: SCRATCH  4: to censure severely  5: to search through : 
   RANSACK  6: to sweep the length of esp. with gunfire : ENFILADE  7: to 
   glance over rapidly  - rak.er n
3. rake vi [origin unknown] : to incline from the perpendicular 
4. rake n 1: inclination from the perpendicular; esp : the overhang of a 
   ship 's bow or stern 2: inclination from the horizontal : SLOPE  3: the 
   angle between the top cutting surface of a tool and a plane perpendi cular 
   to the surface of the work 4: the angle between a wing-tip edge that is 
   sensibly straight in planform  and the plane of symmetry of an airplane
5. rake n [short for rakehell] : a dissolute person : LIBERTINE