Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fil.let also fi.let \'fil-*t, in sense 2b also fi-'la-, 'fil-(.)a-\ 
   \fi-'la-, 'fil-(.)a-\ n [ME filet, fr. MF, dim. of fil thread - more at 
   FILE] 1: a ribbon or narrow strip of material used esp. as a headband  2: a 
   thin narrow strip of any material : as  2a: a band of anatomical fibers; 
   specif : LEMNISCUS  2b: a piece or slice of boneless meat or fish; specif : 
   the tenderl oin of beef 3a: a concave junction formed where two surfaces 
   meet  3b: a curved strip fitted into the angle of such a junction  4: a 
   narrow flat architectural member :  4a: a flat molding separating others  
   4b: the space between two flutings in a shaft  5: an ornament impressed on 
   a book cover 
2. fil.let \'fil-*t, in sense 2 also fi-'la-, 'fil-(.)a-\ vt 1: to bind or 
   adorn with or as if with a fillet  2: to cut into fillets