Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
1. inch \'inch\ n [ME, fr. OE ynce, fr. L uncia - more at OUNCE] 1: a unit 
   of length equal to 1/36 yard  2: a small amount, distance, or degree  pl  
   3: STATURE, HEIGHT  4a: a fall (as of rain or snow) sufficient to cover a 
   surface or to fill a  gauge to the depth of one inch 4b: a degree of 
   atmospheric or other pressure sufficient to balance the wei ght of a column 
   of liquid (as mercury) one inch high in a barometer or manometer 4c: 
   WATER-INCH 1. inch vb : to move by small degrees 
3. inch n [ME, fr. ScGael innis] chiefly Scot  : ISLAND