Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mo.sa.ic \mo--'za--ik\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ n [ME musycke, fr. MF mosaique, fr. 
   OIt mosaico, fr. ML musa]icum, alter. of LL musivum, fr. neut. of musivus 
   of a muse, artistic, fr. L Musa muse 1: a surface decoration made by 
   inlaying small pieces of variously colored  material to form pictures or 
   patterns; also : the process of making it 2: a picture or design made in 
   mosaic  3: something resembling a mosaic  4a: CHIMERA  4b: a virus disease 
   of plants characterized by diffuse light and dark green  or yellow and 
   green mottling of the foliage 5: a composite map made of aerial photographs 
    6: the part of a television camera tube consisting of many minute 
   photoelec tric particles that convert light to an electric charge - mosaic 
2. mosaic \-ikt\ vt or mo.sa.icked;  or mo.sa.ick.ing 1: to decorate with 
   mosaics  2: to form into a mosaic Mo.sa.ic \mo--'za--ik\ aj [NL Mosaicus, 
   fr. Moses] : of or relating to Moses or the institutions or writings 
   attributed to h im