Webster's English Dictionary

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1. slant \'slant\ vb [ME slenten to fall obliquely, of Scand origin; akin 
   to Sw slinta t]o slide; akin to OE sli-dan to slide : to turn or incline 
   from a right line or a level : SLOPE  1: to give an oblique or sloping 
   direction to  2: to interpret or present in line with a special interest or 
   bias :  ANGLE
2. slant \-.wa-z\ \.wi-z\ n 1: a slanting direction, line, or plane : SLOPE 
    2a: something that slants  2b: DIAGONAL  2a: a peculiar or personal point 
   of view, attitude, or opinion  2b: a slanting view : GLANCE  - slant aj