Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. predilection           2. incline               
1. bi.as \'bi--*s\ n [MF biais] 1: a line diagonal to the grain of a 
   fabric; esp : a line at a 45  angle to the selvage often utilized in the 
   cutting of garments for smoother fit 2a: an inclination of temperament or 
   outlook; esp : PREJUDICE  2b: BENT, TENDENCY  2c: a tendency of a 
   statistical estimate to deviate in one direction from a  true value 3a: a 
   peculiarity in the shape of a bowl that causes it to swerve when roll ed on 
   the green 3b: the tendency of a bowl to swerve or the impulse causing this 
   tendency;  also : the swerve of the bowl 4: an unvarying component of the 
   electric potential difference between a gi ven element of an electron tube 
   and the cathode
2. bias aj : DIAGONAL, SLANTING - used chiefly of fabrics and their cu t - 
   bi.as.ness n
3. bias av 1: DIAGONALLY {cut cloth ~}  obs  2: AWRY 
4. bias vt or bi.ased or bi.assed;  or bi.as.ing;  or bi.as.sing 1: to give 
   a bias to : PREJUDICE  2: to apply a slight negative or positive voltage to