Webster's English Dictionary

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1. switch \'swich\ n [perh. fr. MD swijch twig] 1: a slender flexible whip, 
   rod, or twig  2: an act of switching : as  2a: a blow with a switch  2b: a 
   shift from one to another  3: a tuft of long hairs at the end of the tail 
   of an animal (as a cow)  4a: a device made usu. of two movable rails and 
   necessary connections and d esigned to turn a locomotive or train from one 
   track to another 4b: a railroad siding  5: a device for making, breaking, 
   or changing the connections in an electri cal circuit 6: a heavy strand of 
   hair used in addition to a person's own hair for some  coiffures
2. switch vt 1: to strike or beat with or as if with a switch  2: WHISK, 
   LASH  3a1: to turn from one railroad track to another : SHUNT  3a2: to move 
   (cars) to different positions on the same track within termin al areas 3b: 
   to make a shift in or exchange of  4a: to shift to another electrical 
   circuit by means of a switch  4b: to operate an electrical switch so as to 
   turn off or on  1: to lash from side to side  2: to make a shift or 
   exchange  - switch.er n