Webster's English Dictionary

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1. thrum \'thr*m\ n [ME, fr. OE -thrum (in tungethrum ligament of the 
   tongue); akin to]OHG drum fragment, L terminus boundary, end - more at TERM 
   1a1: a fringe of warp threads left on the loom after the cloth has been rem 
   oved 1a2: one of these warp threads  1b: a tuft or short piece of rope yarn 
   used in thrumming canvas - usu. us ed in pl. 1c: BIT, PARTICLE  2: a hair, 
   fiber, or threadlike leaf on a plant; also : a tuft or f ringe of such 
   structures - thrum aj
2. thrum vt or thrummed;  or thrum.ming 1: to furnish with thrums : FRINGE  
   2: to insert short pieces of rope yarn or spun yarn in (a piece of canvas)  
   to make a rough surface or a mat which can be wrapped about rigging to 
   prevent chafing
3. thrum vb or thrummed;  or thrum.ming [imit.] 1: to play or pluck a 
   stringed instrument idly : STRUM  2: to sound with a monotonous hum  1: to 
   play (as a stringed instrument) in an idle or relaxed manner {~  a guitar} 
   2: to recite tiresomely or monotonously 
4. thrum n : the monotonous sound of thrumming