Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tilt \'tilt\ vb [ME tulten, tilten; akin to Sw tulta to waddle] 1: to 
   cause to slope : INCLINE  2a: to point or thrust in or as if in a tilt {~ a 
   lance}  2b: to charge against {~ an adversary}  1: to move or shift so as 
   to lean or incline : SLANT  2a: to engage in a combat with lances : JOUST  
   2b: to make an impetuous attack {~ at wrongs}  - tilt.er n
2. tilt n 1a: a military exercise on horseback in which two combatants 
   charging with  lances or similar weapons try to unhorse each other : JOUST 
   1b: a tournament of tilts  2a: a verbal contest between disputants : 
   CONTENTION  2b: SPEED - used in the phrase at full tilt  3a: the act of 
   tilting : the state or position of being tilted  3b: a sloping surface  4: 
   any of various sports resembling or suggesting tilting with lances; e sp : 
   a water sport in which the contestants stand on logs or in canoes or boats 
   and thrust with poles - tilt aj
3. tilt n [ME teld, telte tent, canopy, fr. OE teld; akin to OHG zel]t tent 
   : a canopy for a wagon, boat, or stall 
4. tilt vt : to cover or provide with a tilt