Cross references:
1. error
1. lapse \'laps\ n [L lapsus, fr. lapsus, pp. of labi to slip - more at
SLE]EP 1a: a slight error or slip 1b: a temporary deviation or fall esp.
from a higher to a lower state 2a: DROP; specif : a decrease of
temperature or pressure as t he height increases 2b: LOWERING, DECLINE
3a1: the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it
within some limit of time 3a2: termination of coverage for nonpayment of
premiums 3b: INTERRUPTION, DISCONTINUANCE 4: an abandonment of religious
faith : APOSTASY 5: a passage of time; also : INTERVAL
2. lapse vi 1a: to fall into error or folly; specif : BACKSLIDE, APOS
TASIZE 1b: to sink or slip gradually : SUBSIDE 2: to go out of existence :
CEASE 3: to pass from one proprietor to another by omission or negligence
of time 4a: to run its course : PASS 4b: to glide past or along : to let
slip : FORFEIT - n